
Scheduler API Reference

BaseUrl: /
Token key in Request header: wk-api-token
Create event api
Request TypePOST
Request URLbaseUrl + auth0/create-event
Required Fields :
nameEvent name(For notation only)
urlyour url //without baseurl, baseurl already added when app created
executionTime2022-03-31T12:01:06Z //(YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)Time when you want to execute your event
Optional fields :
requestType['POST', 'GET', 'DELETE', 'PUT'], // Deafult POST
authorizationBearer token
dataString or Object
descriptionString //used only for your natation

Please do not use ' ' or " " in required and optional fields values when create events using Postman.

Expected Output:
     "data": "Event created successfully",
     "status": 1,
     "eventId": "event-id"
Update event api
Request TypePUT
Request URLbaseUrl + auth0/update-event/eventId
Required Fields (Atleast one field is required) :
nameEvent name(For notation only)
urlyour url //without baseurl, baseurl already added when app created
executionTime2022-03-31T12:01:06Z //(YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)Time when you want to execute your event
requestType['POST', 'GET', 'DELETE', 'PUT'], // Deafult POST
authorizationBearer token
dataString or Object
descriptionString //used only for your natation

Please do not use ' ' or " " in required and optional fields values when create events using Postman.

Expected Output:
     "data": "Changes Successfully",
     "status": 1,
Events list api
Request TypeGET
Request URLbaseUrl + auth0/get-events
Optional fields : payload in query parameter
skipskip number of records
limitfetch number of records
Expected Output:
  "status": 1, //on success 1 else 0
  "response": { //response data
      "_id": "appId",
       "name": "App Name",
       "description": "App description",
       "status": true,
       "baseUrl": "Your  apps baseurl",
       "urlToken": "token for execute events",
       "events": [{}. {}, {}... //list of events ],
       "appToken": "token for create, delete and view events"
Event Info api
Request TypeGET
Request URLbaseUrl + auth0/event-info/eventId
Expected Output:
  "status": 1, //on success 1 else 0
  "response": { //response data
       "name": "App Name",
       "status": true,
       "baseUrl": "Your  apps baseurl",
       "eventDetails": {
           "requestType": "GET",
           "response": 2,
           "_id": "event id",
           "name": "Event Name",
           "url": "event url",
           "executionTime": "UTC timestamp",
           "data": "if set",
           "status": true
Delete event api
Request TypeDELETE
Request URLbaseUrl + auth0/delete-event/eventId
Expected Output:
   "response": "Event deleted successfully",
   "status": 1
Create Webhook api
Request TypePOST
Request URLbaseUrl + auth0/create-webhook
Required Fields :
urlWebhook Url // full form of url start with http:// or https://
typeWebhook Type // '1' for event_execution
Optional Fields :
authorizationBearer token
Expected Output:
    "status": 1,
    "data": "Webhook created successfully",
    "webhookId": "webhook-id"
Payload at webhook hit
eventIdId of executed Event
status1 for success and 2 for failed
responseDatacomplete response of event execution
hmacverify webhook hit using 'responseData' as public key and 'wk-api-token' as private key
Webhooks list api
Request TypeGET
Request URLbaseUrl + auth0/get-webhooks
Expected Output:
    "status":1, //on sucess 1 else 0
    "data":[ //response data
             "_id": "Webhook Id"
             "url": "Webhook Url"
             "appId": "Registered AppId"
             "type": "Webhook Type" // 1 for event_execution
             "status": "Webhook Status" //true for active and false for Deactive
Delete webhook api
Request TypeDELETE
Request URLbaseUrl + auth0/delete-webhook/webhookId
Expected Output:
    "data": "Webhook deleted successfully",
    "status": 1